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2022 NAA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey Results

Monday, December 5, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Events during recent years have dramatically raised the awareness and critical importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. Many rental housing leaders are eager to improve understanding in their organizations and open the lines of communication among their team members surrounding these very important issues. In the fall of 2022, NAA conducted a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmark Survey, which identified the changing needs regarding perceptions of executives and employees regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. This survey captured what perceptions were similar, what perceptions were different and which programs and resources companies are finding most beneficial.

In this session, the analysis of the 2022 NAA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey will be revealed, which provides a first step in understanding the current perceptions employees hold.

Presented by Jen Piccotti