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Burnout Happens, Self-Care Can Help (Free Webinar)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT)

Event Details

Do you or others you know describe stress as your “new normal”?  Maintaining mental wellbeing is a critical part of sustaining our families, workplaces and communities.  But it’s up to us to learn the symptoms of stress and burnout in ourselves and others, create mentally healthy daily routines, and find out where to get help when things get overwhelming.  Join licensed clinician, Amelia (“Ami”) Roeschlein, DSW, MA, LMFT, as we share innovative strategies of self-care.  These strategies can be implemented immediately to safeguard, support and manage staff and colleagues through difficult emotions and challenging times.

Learn how to bounce back from burnout by:

  • Understanding of the signs and impact of stress on general functioning
  • Observing how to set up daily routines of self-care
  • Learning tools and techniques to help manage stress and promote mental health and resilience