16th Annual HEARTS Blood Drive
Best Buy Parking Lot
5885 Eastex FreewayBeaumont, TX 77706-6922
United States
Event Details
If you really want to lend a hand, lend an arm....ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVE AND HELP YOUR COMMUNITY!
The AASET HEARTS Committee and LifeShare Blood Center are teaming up again to host its 16th Annual HEARTS Blood Drive. As always, everyone who donates will get a free t-shirt. Area hospitals and clinics are in desperate need of these units.
Someone needs blood every two seconds and just one donation can save up to three lives. With all the wonderful advances in modern medicine, there is no manufactured substitute for human blood. It must be provided by volunteer blood donors in the community. One in three people need blood in their lifetime. If you don't need blood, it's almost certain that someone close to you will. Don’t hesitate, donate!
Donors will receive free snacks, drinks and a LifeShare Blood Center t-shirt. All donors must provide identification.
For More Information:

Beaumont, Texas 77706
United States (409) 899-4455